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Выкройка наручей — Кожаный доспех — Молот Тора и Змей

Изначальная цена €14,95 - Изначальная цена €14,95
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€14,95 - €14,95
Текущая цена €14,95

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Выкройка кожаных наручей для всех ваших потребностей в бою, костюме или косплее. Разработанный для боевых действий SCA, этот образец является достаточно взрывоустойчивым, когда воск затвердеет. Если боевые действия из ротанга вам не по душе, его можно легко использовать в вашем следующем костюме или косплее, и он отлично смотрится как часть вашего кожаного доспеха.

Если вы хотите попробовать резьбу по коже, этот рисунок поставляется с дизайном «Молот Тора» и «Змея».

* Рисунок локтя продается отдельно.

  • Этот предмет не подлежит передаче и может быть изготовлен/использован только покупателем.
  • Этот предмет нельзя использовать для печати или крупномасштабного производства. Он предназначен для мастеров и любителей. Если вы хотите делать небольшие партии и продавать их, это нормально.
  • Пожалуйста, указывайте Dark Horse Workshop как художника при использовании.
  • Я могу отказаться от прав на использование, если правила не соблюдены.


  • Digital items are non-transferable and may only be made / used by the buyer.
  • Digital items may not be used for print such as reproducing the pattern for sale, or publishing art in books.
  • No T-Shirts or other apparrel with the Artwork.
  • No large scale productions. It is intended for craftspeople and hobbyists. If you want to make small batches and sell them that's fine.
  • You ARE allowed to use Laser Cutters / Engravers, this does not fall under my "no print" terms of use. Have at it!
  • Please credit Dark Horse Workshop as the artist when used/posting photos etc.
  • I reserve the right to revoke the usage rights if these rules are not followed.

Customer Reviews

Based on 25 reviews
Not exactly period authentic, but a very good design

These vambraces are a bit strange in certain ways, but the design is very thought out on many levels.
They are aesthetic despite being rather simplistic, they are very comfortable to wear, the shape fits the arms nicely unlike many other vambraces that cover forearms all around. The reinforcing pads, while unusual and unorthodox (especially since most real life examples are reinforced with metal) really help them keep a slightly flattened, more natural shape, solving the problem of some of the other full leather bracers.

The pattern itself was easy to print and follow even with very little experience.

Scott Allen

This was my first try with this pattern, I like the simplicity and function of this pattern. A friend had his armor stolen so I purchased it to help get him geared back up. I will be making another one for myself I like how quickly this project comes together.

Matthew Haines

Amazing pattern as always.

S.P. Senjanin
I decided to take this great pattern and combine my love for...

I decided to take this great pattern and combine my love for armor and classic techniques with...well Star Wars...cuz both are awesome! Thanks Magnus...you are a constant inspiration!

This is an awesome pattern that worked like a charm. I...

This is an awesome pattern that worked like a charm. I posted some pictures on my Facebook and some of my Scadian friends automatically knew who made the pattern. If you want to get into leather craft or costuming with leather, I'd absolutely recommend this.